The Consumer Product Safety Commission's (CPSC) eFiling Initiative

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Are you an importer of consumer products into the United States? Are you prepared for the upcoming changes in product compliance reporting?  The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is taking a significant step towards modernising its import processes. This move could streamline your operations, but only if you're ready for ...

Are you an importer of consumer products into the United States?

Are you prepared for the upcoming changes in product compliance reporting? 

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is taking a significant step towards modernising its import processes. This move could streamline your operations, but only if you're ready for it.

In a recent announcement, the CPSC revealed its plans to recruit up to 2,000 importers for a voluntary eFiling initiative. This development is crucial for anyone involved in importing regulated consumer products into the US market.

The eFiling initiative, which began its beta pilot test in November 2022, allows importers to electronically file certain data elements from their certificate of compliance with both the CPSC and Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The primary goal? To expedite the targeting of potentially risky shipments while simultaneously allowing importers with a good safety record to move their products through ports more quickly.

For manufacturers and importers, this initiative presents both an opportunity and a challenge. On one hand, it offers the potential for faster clearance of your products. On the other, it requires you to adapt to new filing processes and potentially invest in new systems or partnerships.

The CPSC anticipates full implementation of eFiling around 2025, giving you time to prepare. Here's what you need to know:

  1. Two eFiling Options:
    • Full PGA Message Set: Suitable for importers with a limited range of regulated products.
    • Reference PGA Message Set: Ideal for importers who frequently import the same regulated products.
  2. Importer Responsibilities:
    • While brokers play a crucial role, remember that product certification ultimately falls on you, the importer.
    • The eFiling initiative doesn't alter existing CPSC requirements for products or shipments.
  3. How to Get Involved:
    • There's currently a waitlist for participation.
    • To join, email eFilingSupport@cpsc.gov with your company details, including your Importer of Record Number(s) and Broker Filer Code(s).

As we move towards 2025, it's crucial to start preparing now. Familiarise yourself with the CPSC's Quick Start Guide and consider which eFiling option best suits your business model. This proactive approach will not only ensure compliance but could also give you a competitive edge in streamlining your import processes.

Don't wait until the last minute. Start your eFiling journey today and position your business for success in this new era of import compliance.

Source: https://www.cpsc.gov/eFiling