Updates EU Toys

Public Consultation Notice: EU Proposal on Toy Safety

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22 May 2024 is the closing date to share your views on a proposal for a Regulation on the Safety of Toys and Repealing Directive 2009/48/EC.

The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment invites stakeholders and interested parties to participate in a public consultation regarding the Proposal for a Regulation on the Safety of Toys and Repealing Directive 2009/48/EC.

This proposal aims to ensure the highest level of safety for children and facilitate the free circulation of toys within the EU. It updates safety requirements, enhances protection from harmful chemicals, and strengthens enforcement mechanisms.

Make your submissions via email to conspol@enterprise.gov.ie before 22 May 2024, 17:00.

Your input is invaluable in shaping toy safety regulations to safeguard our children. Let your voice be heard!

Source: https://enterprise.gov.ie/en/consultations/public-consultation-on-eu-proposal-for-a-regulation-on-the-safety-of-toys-and-repealing-directive-2009-48-ec.html