
"European Commission's Communication on Managing Harmful Chemicals: Balancing Safety and Essential Uses"

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The European Commission adopted a Communication outlining criteria and principles for managing harmful chemicals in the EU. The Communication focuses on determining which uses of these chemicals are essential and which ones can be phased out to protect people and the environment

The European Commission adopted a Communication outlining criteria and principles for managing harmful chemicals in the EU. The Communication focuses on determining which uses of these chemicals are essential and which ones can be phased out to protect people and the environment.

Essentially, the goal is to stop using the most harmful chemicals in non-essential ways, like in products or processes where safer options exist. However, for uses that are really important for things like health, safety, or keeping society function, there will be more time to find safer alternatives.

The Communication also lays out some important terms and principles. For example, it defines what "most harmful substances" are and explains how to determine if a certain use of these substances is truly essential.

Determining if a chemical's use is essential, two main criteria are considered: first, whether it's necessary for health, safety, or vital functions in society, and second, if there are any acceptable alternatives available.

Currently, the concept is not part of the REACH regulation, and hence not of current initiatives like the PFAS restriction.

Manufacturers are pivotal in facilitating this transition. The Communication will help them by offering clarity on the specific chemical substances and usage that may be phased out in future regulatory processes, as well as allowing for their use where proven essential for society, and in particular for ensuring the green and digital transition.

Overall, this plan aims to balance the need to protect people and the environment with the need for certain chemicals in society. It's a step forward in making sure we're using chemicals responsibly.

Source: COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION Guiding criteria and principles for the essential use concept in EU legislation dealing with chemicals