
ECHA CHEM, The New Solution for Publishing Information on Chemicals Is Now Available!

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ECHA CHEM, the new EU platform with comprehensive and reliable information on chemical substances has been published.

The ECHA CHEM platform aims to provide comprehensive and reliable information on chemical substances. Developed by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), ECHA CHEM allows the Agency to better handle the growing diversity and quantity of data, while taking advantage of technological advancements and it is a significant step towards promoting transparency and accessibility in the chemical industry.

What is ECHA CHEM bringing to the industry?

  • a versatile, stable, user-friendly system,
  • comprehensive Data Access,
  • centralized Information hub comprising, to date, 360 000+ chemicals,
  • information from 100,000+ REACH registrations in the first version,
  • the database is set to expand with the redesigned Classification and Labelling Inventory and regulatory lists later in 2024.

Of the many benefits:

  • It enables businesses to make informed decisions about manufacturing, usage, or importation of products.
  • Provides aid in identifying and mitigating potential risks associated with specific substances, ensuring safety for employees, customers, and the environment.
  • Facilitates better risk assessment and management for regulatory authorities, scientists, and researchers.
  • Supports the development of safer alternatives and identification of chemicals requiring further scrutiny due to potential risks.

For more information, see the guide to ECHA CHEM database: